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OSE Kits
6th Grade OSE Kits
OpenSciEd - 6.4 - Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling - Classroom OSE Kit
Classroom Kit
Classroom kits are a combined durable and consumable kit. It features
lesson-bagged materials, and includes enough investigation materials
180 Students
OpenSciEd - 6.4 - Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling - Consumable OSE Kit
Consumable Kit
Consumable kits contain consumable-only items for
180 Students
, and needs
to be re-purchased when materials run out. These items are not lesson-bagged.
OpenSciEd - 6.4 - Plate Tectonics & Rock Cycling - Non-Consumable OSE Kit
Non-Consumable Kit
Non-consumable kits contain durable-only items for
180 Students
. These items
do not need to be purchased year over year. These items are not lesson-bagged.